Is there a difference in birth control pills you pay for and the free ones? - free ones.
I wonder, because they have to pay $ 50 per month and tend to be more effective than clinical distributed free, but not quite sure. I know people who have done during pregnancy, the pill, but the pills were free clinic ... I think I'm the only one of my friends who have the job, and pay. I just want to know b / c I want to have unprotected sex with my partner, but I do not want a child, and I think I'll lose my money .....
hmmm .. I have 4 times pregnant, birth control. But I do not use the pill. I have the patch, Nuva Ring, and look at different times. I have used condoms. In any case, not in control of my birth was free. I paid $ 10 for each prescription for the patch and Nuva Ring and over $ 40 paid in the Mirena. I had insurance. Whether you pay for birth control is free of charge or for that get all the same. Many times, some women only have a higher birth rate. That was my problem.Always recall birth control is not 100% effective.
Above all, pills not 100 percent for what is not, and not from sexually transmitted diseases aginist pills protect, the health department is no different, only people who use Depo. I shot after reaching pregent. I paid the pill.that.
Above all, pills not 100 percent for what is not, and not from sexually transmitted diseases aginist pills protect, the health department is no different, only people who use Depo. I shot after reaching pregent. I paid the pill.that.
There is no difference. The pills are relatively inexpensive to produce. The pharmaceutical industry makes you pay so much for them. That is why the pills are cheaper in other countries where laws prohibit price extremes. Generics are the same pills for $ 50. You lose your money if you do not buy generics or Canada.
The pill is effective up to 99%. To record correctly and did not need condoms.
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